Playing the Saxophone


Several years back, I bought a saxophone at a yard sale. It was old and beat up. The case smelled like mildew, and I really had no idea what I was going to do with it. I don’t play the sax.

But the price was right.

So I dragged it home and set about photographing it.  It was a good undertaking. I spent a lot of time learning  how to control reflections and making the most out of light. Close-ups, low-light, you name it, I tried it.

I know I didn’t master all that I could have, but after a couple of years, I sold that sax at my own garage sale for the same money I paid for it. It was a successful transaction.



We hadn’t planned on growing sunflowers here at Merry Mount Manor, but the squirrels, cardinals and other birds had different ideas.

They scattered sunflower seeds from the bird feeder just about everywhere. This year, we have sunflowers.

They’re quite pretty. The birds seem to like them, and we’ve enjoyed them.

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