Bear Rocks, Dolly Sods

Bear Rocks

I just sold a copy of this print. Bear Rocks near Dolly Sods in the mountains of West Virginia is a favorite place.

The Wikipedia entry says this (in part):

Bear Rocks is a remarkably scenic, windswept summit atop one of West Virginia’s highest mountains. It is perched on a ridge of sandstone cliffs and is a rock outcropping on the Allegheny Front with a 2,000 to 3,000-foot (600 to 1,000 m) drop below that forms the Eastern Continental Divide. To the east, looking out over the South Branch of the Potomac River, which drains into theAtlantic Ocean via the Chesapeake Bay, there are breathtaking 35-mile (56 km) views where seven mountain ridges are visible on a clear day extending into Virginia. On the clearest days you can see Hawksbill Mountain and Stony Man, the highest peaks in Shenandoah National Park. To the west, water drains into Dolly Sods towards Red Creek, which eventually flows to the Gulf of Mexico via the Dry Fork River, Black Fork, Cheat, Mongahela, Ohio and Mississippi River.

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Back Porch Abstract


For years I thought there was an abstract image in a portion of our back porch. I could never figure it out until one snowy winter day, the shadows, lines and curves all came together in an interest juxtaposition.

The dog thought I was crazy. It was cold out there that day.

Ohio State’s University Hall



From a Columbus Dispatch notables article: Ohio State University opened on Sept. 17, 1873.

In his 1952 History of the Ohio State University, James E. Pollard noted: “In a way this apparent neglect was understandable. There was no formal opening. The faculty was there, a handful of students gathered and they simply went to work on a sprawling campus remote from the city, in a single building still uncompleted, and in an atmosphere punctuated by the song of the saw and the pounding of hammers. It was anything but the traditional academic grove.”

That single building, University Hall, housed not only the lecture halls but also the faculty apartments and student lodging. It was closed in 1968 and razed in 1971. A replica was erected in 1976 and remains open today.

The image above is the replica.

This image is available on Etsy