Bok Tower, Florida



Many of my images are made while killing time before a flight out. This is one of those times. I was on my way back from Tampa to catch a plane in Orlando and had a couple of hours, so I took a detour through the Bok Tower and Gardens in Lake Wales, Florida.

Their website says this: Bok Tower Gardens has offered some of Florida’s most remarkable experiences to more than 23 million visitors since 1929. Through its historic landscape gardens, unique Singing Tower carillon and magnificent 1930s Mediterranean-style mansion, the Gardens offer unparalleled opportunities for artistic, cultural, personal and spiritual enrichment.

Turns out, I didn’t think any of the photos I captured of the tower did it justice. But I did fall in love with this massive tree and a reflecting pool of water. To me, this symbolized Florida.

Fall Day, Eastern Ohio

Fall Day, Eastern Ohio


I’ve been working on a personal project entitled Across the Bridge for a number of years. It is an exploration of how the more interesting things in life are usually across the bridge.

This image is the inspiration for that series.

One fall day I was wandering eastern Ohio, following country roads along rivers and streams when I saw an older steel girder bridge. What looked to be on the other side was interesting, but the bridge itself didn’t look none too safe.

So I parked the car, and hiked my way across the bridge, carefully picking my way through the holes and missing timbers in the deck. About midway across, I looked down river and saw this wonderful scene. It meant straddling a missing timber and watching the water rush past 20 feet below me, but I didn’t fall in and I love this image.